本帖最後由 jahidur777 於 2024-2-27 17:20 編輯
The impact of DeepFake on internet security The rapid development of artificial intelligence allows us to assume that video productions using DeepFake technology will soon become impossible to distinguish from real materials. The impact of DeepFake on security at the global, international and individual levels can be enormous. This technology can be used, among others: in political matters, using the image of politicians to create fake news may lead to diplomatic scandals and increased tensions between countries. In etreme cases,
there may be, for eample, a declaration of war or an announcement of the use of weapons of mass destruction; DeepFake may also contribute to spreading disinformation and chaos, including manipulating public opinion or promoting false information Singapore Mobile Number List among the community, using the image of recognized scientific authorities; by , of DeepFake videos contained pornographic content. A number of applications using this technology have been created, which can be used without the knowledge or consent of victims to generate pornographic content with their participation; content generated using DeepFake technology may be used for blackmail, etortion, destruction of reputation and violation of personal rights.
As you can see, the ethical aspects of DeepFake and the use of this technology raise a lot of controversy. DeepFake technology can be used for commercial purposes without violating ethical standards . An eample would be the use of the image of the deceased while recording the actors' new film. The use of DeepFake technology to complete the film and thus not waste the capital used to shoot it, while paying tribute to the deceased actor with the consent of the heirs of .