To the public in the past. From there emerged this new form of expansion that is titled: “A vision focused on privacy for social networks.” Look at the main points raised by the CEO of Facebook about this apparent new stage of information security on networks. Private links The main point is that to enjoy privacy it is important to know who you are talking to. The image that allows us to visualize the main aspect of this change is very interesting: instead of being in a town square, we will be able to interact as if we were in the living room of our house with friends. Security This part of the letter is more of a philosophical principle, basically a mea culpa in
which Zuckerberg states that users have the right to expect Facebook to do everything possible Iran WhatsApp Number Data to ensure the security of their data. Encryption systems The famous cryptography allows a message to be read only by the sender and the recipient. The most important thing about this step is to encrypt the messages end-to-end to ensure that not even Facebook operators can access the contents of the messages. The ephemeral One of the most painful topics on the Internet is those contents that “come back from the past to hurt us,” a very poetic way for Mark to refer to our dramas when information resurfaces that in a new context embarrasses us in

some way. The programming of ephemeral content is the new bet of this stage. In addition to the stories that are already on WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger, the platforms will include messages that expire in minutes. Another future possibility for users is to postpone or advance the action of deleting a message, so that one can manually change the time they want to leave what they sent available. Inter-operability This is the great dream, mixing the three services without problems, facilitating communication between users. This also avoids having to share undesirable data. For example, a user will be able to receive WhatsApp messages sent by Messenger without having to provide the phone number. Obviously, all platforms will be encrypted and there will also be the option to keep accounts separate. Secure storage