Performance web icon Performance (speed and quality of navigation) Web accessibility icon Accessibility (the ease or otherwise of access to the site for users with limitations or disabilities) Best practices web icon Best Practices (security and user experience) SEO and positioning icon SEO (factors that affect positioning) 4×100 by With the remake of the Falegnameria Muraro website, we managed to achieve the perfect score : Snapshot of the results of on Note: this measurement was made on 09/27/2021 and may change over time because Google periodically modifies and updates its criteria, with the consequence that the scores may vary over time and tend to worsen, given that over the months and over the years the judging criteria become more and more severe and restrictive.
Among other things, these measurements are subject to a certain "physiological" deg Bolivia Email List ree of oscillation, especially with regard to the performance item . For example, by carrying out several subsequent measurements on the website , the performance item - today 09/27/2021 - alternates values of 100 and 99, with even some rare 98 (clearly the fluctuations that would go beyond 100 cannot be indicated , given that the end of the measurement scale has been reached). In these subsequent surveys, the site obviously does not change and the variation in performance is due to the response speed of the server which, at any given moment, may find itself managing different workloads and which, when high, can negatively impact performance.
Inferior hosting services that are not properly sized are subject to much larger downward swings than these. In general terms, the achievement of any objective becomes significant only to the extent that the undertaking presents difficulties: if the majority of sites in the network habitually achieved values close to 100 there would be no point in standing here boasting about it. The truth is that most sites on the internet today are very far from the highest values, especially in the performance dimension ( in this regard, see also The importance of having a fast site and Guide to Google Page Experience and Core Web Vitals ).