It may be worth fixing the issues. 13 duplicate content Learn how to do that in our beginner’s guide to duplicate content. 6. Social signals help rankings It’s not farfetched to assume that the more your content gets shared on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, the higher it’ll rank. After all, if tons of people share something, it must be interesting and valuable and worthy of ranking, right? Maybe, but according to Google’s John Mueller, social signals don’t directly impact rankings. That’s probably because social signals are so stupendously easy to manipulate. Seriously, take a look on Fiverr. You can get thousands of them for a few bucks. 14 fiverr social signals But if this is true, why do many studies show a correlation between social shares and rankings? 15 social signals seo study There’s no definitive reason for this, but we think these are the two most significant contributing factors.
More shares lead to more exposure, and that often leads to more backlinks (which are a ranking factor). Pages that rank well in Google get more traffic, and some of those people will share the content on social media. 7. PPC can’t help you rank higher Let’s be clear: paying Google for indian phone number ads won’t directly influence rankings. I love conspiracy theories as much as the next person, but Google isn’t going to rank you higher because you’re lining their pockets. However, that doesn’t mean PPC can’t indirectly help you rank higher. And that’s because PPC ads can help attract backlinks. Don’t believe us? We recently spent $1,246 on Google ads with the intention of building links to one of our blog posts. The result? Backlinks from eleven new websites. seo myths Now, this doesn’t mean you can run any old PPC campaign and watch the backlinks roll in. It needs to be strategic.

Learn how we did it in this video: 8. PageRank doesn’t matter anymore PageRank is the foundation of Google. It looks at the quantity and quality of backlinks to judge the value of a page. Google confirmed that PageRank is still a ranking factor in 2018: But ever since Google discontinued public PageRank scores in 2016, some people think that us SEOs shouldn’t be talking about this metric: 17 pagerank comment There’s undoubtedly some merit to this argument. After all, there’s little point talking about a metric that we can no longer see. But the fact of the matter is that PageRank is still a ranking signal, which means that getting high-quality links to your web pages still matters.