Source: As much as possible, create an "emotional" message through relevant sentences and visuals, such as facial gestures. Ninja wants to give you an example of a cool ad from Hootsuite that you can use as a copywriting and visual reference. Source: 3. Do A/B Testing For those of you who are running a campaign on Facebook for the first time, Ninja recommends that you create several different advertising content. Sumber: Unsplash Why is this important? is most suitable for your audience, so you need to prepare several content options.
For example, different content from visual design, choosing ad headlines, copywriting to Iran WhatsApp Number Data the form of your content, whether photos, carousels or videos. Come up with several options. So, next you do A/B testing to find out which content is most interesting to your audience. The method is easy, of all the ad options that you have prepared, which ad reaches the largest audience and has the best interaction with your audience. Then, you can stop other advertising content because it is less interesting to the audience.

Even if some advertising content doesn't run, you can improve it for the next campaign and you will have an idea of what kind of content your brand audience prefers. 4. Optimize Lookalike Audience Choosing a target audience for your campaign is very important , don't just choose it, let alone just make a strategy. It's as if you came to a fishing pond and wanted to fish for Pomfret but the bait you prepared was for Tuna, surely you wouldn't pay attention to it, right? Sumber: Madgix So, this is how important it is for you to determine your audience in detail, starting from age, region, gender, what their interests are, what their daily life is like.