Login to respond ROSA MARIA Very interesting, I had not taken all this into account and knowing how to make the truth was something that I had never done in my life, but everything I heard and read opened up a different panorama of the entire digital revolution, what it is doing and that at some point we will all take it as the day to know more about this digital worldthank youLogin to respond Esther Casermeiro The article is very interesting, I had not considered until now the importance of Bid Data in the change towards more ethical and social organizations.I feel that the organizational change that is happening is completely necessary for everyone, to take the next step in an organization more focused on the needs of people.
With the trends that are emerging in which more and more people Denmark WhatsApp Number Data are concerned about their health, the environment, social inequalities and minorities, it is completely necessary that a change also occur in organizations to get closer to the end consumer.It is a fish that bites the tail. Probably the origin is the individual change of each one of us that makes companies have to adapt and in turn their change makes more individuals change and care more about what happens in their environment. Big Data is undoubtedly playing an important role in all this change.

Login to respond Light It has become clear that the only way out of the current crisis we face is through a paradigm shift. Companies have been pioneers in aligning their corporate strategies with the Sustainable Development Goals and have thus helped activate and accelerate the work of public institutions and other agents. Compliance with the SDGs is essential and the promotion of these objectives is a guide for both companies and civil society. We must take advantage of the fact that for the first time in history, the countries of the United Nations have unanimously approved an action plan with a clear objective Achieve a world where no one is left behind.