Futuri according to this article. But which one is good to invest? Login to respond Robert You never know if the recommendation may or may not be good. I understand that everyone should read about cryptocurrencies and invest according to their own conviction. Login to respond Mario My advice on the cryptocurrencies you always choose Buy low, sell high. Login to respond Alfero Redgrave I don't understand what the difference is between fiat money and digital currencies issued by central banks. In my opinion they are fundamentally the same. I also don't understand the hundreds of digital currencies, almost all centralized and without quantitative limits on their production.
It seems more like a way to dynamit the virtues of bitcoin. Login to ID Number List respond Karla Hello, has anyone invested in Mining City… ? Thank you! Login to respond Maximilian Maybe we need to add some, like CAKE, which has great potential and has been demonstrating it in recent months. Greetings Login to respond Luis Dominguez. Where can we get better information about the purchase of a cryptocurrency...who should we go to...bank...financial manager...who and how would it be safest for a user?

Login to respond Cease Hello, if you are outside the US, you can open an account on Binance, follow the steps and it is very safe, you buy and sell the coins yourself, do not let anyone buy for you, nor let anyone sell them to you, it is very easy to do , good luck, greetings Freddy You want to be rich, invest in cardan oo dogecoin successes queen grandson The thing is that there is always a doubt because everything has to be done online and since there are so many people scamming it is difficult to believe that this is true.